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Here is another reimagining of an old Sims 2 household!  We have the previous generation that precedes Patrizio Monty, who was the father of Claudio, Bianca and Antonio.  I think the Portuguese version of the Sims has the Montys listed as the "Montez" household, so there was a convergence with old sims lore and my vision for this family.

I used the sporty and pretty trait from Chingy's V1 and Attractiveness traits, respectively.  They aren't mandatory, but just as an FYI, in case you would like to use those traits for Sylvia Monty, the mom.  Also, the ZIP files containing the names of the family members are just screenshots for the various outfits of that character.

Like the Cappas, Valentino, the current patriarch, is a mob boss who got his start in the underworld with childhood friend, Cosimo Cappa.  Somewhere along the lines, the two clans severed relations and Valentino became enemies with his old companion.  They both achieved individual success and began families of their own.  However, their rivalry persisted, both personally and professionally, as they continue to vie for control of Willow Creek.

Valentino's wife, Sylvia, stays true to her Sims 2 counterpart, at least in name.  She is loyal like most women of her generation.   However, unlike Andrea Cappa, Sylvia has grown weary of the rivalry between her husband and the Cappas.  She is restless in the face on the ongoing criminal enterprise her husband maintains.  Still, she spends her time rearing her children and keeping a happy home in the hopes that her husband does not get imprisoned or killed by their enemies.

Patrizio is a teenager like his adversary Consort.  The two remain on amicable terms as they have difficulty grasping the true nature of the rivalry between their families.  He is rather close with his kid twin sisters, Claudia and Isabella, and enjoys being active via jogging or playing soccer.  He and his dad are also good friends, though Patrizio does not currently have aspirations to join the family business.

The sisters are meant to be twins, but thanks to the genetics within Sims 4, I had to do some "finagling" in order to have them look in line with the rest of the family.  If their relationships are not set properly, you can always work them out in CAS.

Will the Cappa/Montez rivalry continue?  As the next generation, will Consort and Patrizio remain on steady terms?  Or will some unfortunate accident befall them perpetuating the standoff between the two clans?  Will Sylvia's loyalty persevere or will she exceed her threshold of tolerance for her husband's business affairs?  The power to alter Sims lore is  now yours!



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