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This is my first rework of an old sims household, but with a twist.  This is the one generation ahead of the infamous Capp household from Sims 2.  Consort is aged down to teenager and has been given two siblings despite being an only child in the Capp Family Tree.  I have reimagined Consort’s parents to fit the mold of an Italian Crime family.

Consort’s father, Cosimo Cappa, is the most powerful crime boss in Willow Creek.  Coming from rough beginnings, Cosimo did his first crimes with childhood friend, Valentino Monterelli, as a way to aid his family during the Great Depression.  He has a small role in my story, “The Simsfather” (read Cosimo’s bio here).

Cosimo met and married his wife, Andrea (Andromache Thebe from the Capp Family Tree), when they were in their early 20s.  While Cosimo’s family was affected by the Great Depression, Andrea’s family was rather well off, providing additional fuel to Cosimo’s desire to become financially stable.  Needless to say, Cosimo’s relationship with his in-laws had gotten off to a rocky start, but had stabilized once Cosimo became “successful”.

Andrea has the materialistic trait as she is accustomed to a certain lifestyle that she has fostered for herself into adulthood.  She is the daughter of affluent parents and is part of a decently large family.  Despite falling for Cosimo at a young age, Andrea's parents initially did not find him as charming; though, they have since come around and treat him as a member of their family.   Andrea is also a capable mother who is heavily involved in all three lives of her children.  When she isn’t cooking, cleaning or tutoring, expect Andrea to be admiring her riches.

As the eldest child, Consort is an extension of his father, displaying the business mindset his father has maintained for the majority of his life.  Given his father’s political connections, one may think that a career in politics is in Consort’s future.  Consort has reservations about his father’s “business”, so a life in crime is out of the question - a sentiment echoed by Cosimo himself.  Still - perhaps circumstances dictate the younger Cappa succeed his father as head of the Cappa Crime Family and attempt to completely legitimatize the organization.

Barbara is the second oldest child and only daughter in the family.  A lover of books and the arts, Barbara is a skilled painter and adept writer.  She also loves the outdoors and has aspirations to become an ornithologist, or work in a general field that covers animals and nature.  She is kept several arms lengths away from the family business and maintains strong relationships with her parents.

Samuel is the youngest child.  Not too much thought went into making him.  He is technically a male heir to his father’s empire, but you can map out an arc for him.  Perhaps some old Sims lore is appropriate here?



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