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I had a pitch accepted for a Graphic Medicine anthology and I'm SO excited!!! The deadline for this is early January and I'm determined to not leave this until the last minute...

I'm waiting to get some feedback on this from our editor but I kind of want to change some of the visuals because I'm worried it's a little boring. I was trying to cram so much text onto each page that I didn't leave enough space to draw things!!! .....this is a common problem for me;;;




Oh my goodness, so much of this rings true for me it hurts, especially the always saying yes to things 😩 I feel like this one is going to be a very good one at helping people, and so is one I should put extra effort into sharing around when it's released :o


Same boat with always saying yes, I feel like if I say no the person will think I am a jerk for not helping even if they would totally understand. A lot of these comics resonate with me and am so glad I found them. Thank you for these comics as I have been reading them and know they will help so many out there.