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It was really difficult to put these comics into a collection. I ended up leaving a lot of them out for various reasons; mostly older stuff where I didn't like the art anymore but also stuff where the tone wasn't really in line with what these comics have become.

Especially for the first couple of months, I was still finding my feet with this series and while I still like those older comics a lot, they didn't really gel with the collection as a whole.

I also wanted to put the comics in an order that kind of made sense. This wasn't too difficult since like, I make them in order?? If that makes sense?? So like, they naturally kind of have a flow to them anyway, but I wanted to make sure that it was right for the collection

So there's ''kind of'' a three act structure (ish) where it's like, weewoo melancholy sad comics, then work comics (since work is apprently my coping mechanism ha), then burnout, and then hopeful uplifting stuff at the end

Hopefully it reads OK! It's weird to see them all together in a collection like this but it's also nice :>


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