Comic Scripts for This Week! (Patreon)
I have quite a lot of comic ideas scribbled down and I was trying to decide which ones would tie together nicely together into a theme but I decided that rather than have a theme this week, I just want to make the ones that stick out to me and that I'm really feeling right now, which basically has always been my approach lmao.
'Obvious' is something that's been happening to me a lot lately... I'm not super into it haha. I wrote two other comics to go alongside it but I was worried that I'd basically just be saying the same thing again in different ways so I've put them aside for now. I might go back to them next week, we'll see!
Me @ Me is pretty self explanatory I think? I've been thinking a lot lately about effort. I feel like I'm always trying my best but sometimes I just want to like, chill and not have to try so hard all of the time. I've been making more time for myself to be lazy and play games again, even though I have deadlines and commissions and things I'm behind on and it's been really nice, but I can't shake that 'YOU'RE WASTING TIME! WHY ARE YOU NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH' kind of feeling so here it is in comic form haha.
Just Keep Trying Your Best is pretty much the same idea but when it comes from other people. I love when people cheer me on, and I love to cheer on others, but sometimes I'm just like... what if I don't wanna try my best haha... what if I can't anymore? Would that still be OK?
Anyway weewoo comics for this week! Scripts of them! Here they are :D