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Hi friends!

Despite the cold and snow, our work is in full swing! We've already prepared a significant amount of basic quests for 'The Library Strory' 0.97.5, though some of them are still in the process of writing and painting. So in the near future, our task to finish this work and move to adding these new events to the game.

The only quest (to be more exactly, a whole storyline) that we haven’t started preparing yet, is $10+ bonus content, for which voting continues (don’t forget to vote!) Description of the possible gameplay for the Mayor is coming soon (he, by the way, is very unhappy with the results of the voting and hopes to fix it soon ^__^)...

Besides, perhaps, it's time to outline the final deadlines for the current voting. In order to have time to present you all the candidates for bonus content in LS 0.97.5, plus also that we have enough time to prepare and add the winner's storyline to the game, we decided to extend the voting until March 4th. During February, we plan to demonstrate you the remaining options, then, we will sum up the result and announce the winner for this version of the game. So you still have time to vote (or change your vote).

In addition, by the end of February, we're still gonna launch 'The Library Story' Discord server. There is nothing special to talk about here, it is just worth noting that everything is almost ready for it.

This is all the news at the moment. Perhaps, we release a couple more patches before LS 0.97.5, but in general we are now fully focused on this "big" version. And it's time for us to get back to work, yeah-yeah :) Thanks for your support guys and stay tuned!



I mean if you want to continue the story with the mayor just do it... Or should have offered all options well described all in one go


Great update! Thank you for taking the time to report on your progress! Have a productive week!


Well, any patron can change his vote at any time before the end of the voting (by the way, this is what happens, for example, the tentacle tree has noticeably added votes after its promo). Perhaps in the future we will change this system a bit, but so far everything is going well. :)