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Greetings, friends. The first official demo-version of LS can be found attached. I have to say it didn’t quite work out as we planned. The thing is we encountered a lot of serious problems with the gameplay. We have several events and quests that are completely done, the plot gets pretty intriguing, we have a ton of other content (by the way, don’t forget to check out the gallery)... Nevertheless we experienced problems with the game mechanics. Conceptually everything looks great, but the game isn’t working as we intended it to.

We were actively finalizing the demo-version, and were hoping until the last moment that we’ll be done by the due date but the gameplay ended up being worse than in October. Part of the new mechanics conflicts with the old ones, there are too many bugs and we weren’t able to fix and test them in time. It’ll take some time to fix all the problems. Right now we know where the problems are though and what do we have to do to get the game working.

But we didn’t want to leave you just with a promise. So we decided that you’d be interested in playing one of our episodes - the interactive scene. In this episode, during the night Gaston tries to… Well you’ll see it and be part of it yourself very soon. We could have posted several other episodes similar to the one in current demo-version, but those quests and events aren’t as interesting individually as they can be when they are part of a bigger story. If we did include those scenes in the current version then you’d have seen the content, but wouldn’t have been able to really play the game. But in order for you to envision what the actual game will be like we have created a gallery with several locations, characters, inventory, screenshots and other content.

We want to ensure you though, that publication of full demo-version (you can consider this one as an alpha) - with the day routine, combat system, generator of the random events and etc. isn’t cancelled at all. We will try our best to fix the gameplay and we estimate it to take another month and a half, but we hope that your anticipation will be paid off by the results.

We also want to thank two people working with us on this project. They have done a lot of work for us, and it’s not their fault that you can’t enjoy majority of their contribution as of now.

Thanks to Novruz (https://www.patreon.com/Ruzi?ty=h) who recently created his own patreon page. He has been translating our texts from russian to english (TL note: I hope you guys don’t curse me too much noticing mistakes). If you like his translations and want to support him feel free to do so - as far as I know he has started translating some russian novels on his own page. We also recommend him to creators of other adult (and not so much) games in russian who want to widen their target group.

We also want to thank Oric13. He has been editing our texts in english. Some of his edits were so good that we even changed the phrases in the original version in russian. :)

And of course, last but not least, thanks to you, our patrons! You are the best patrons in the world and we are very happy for your continuous support. We hope that you’ll enjoy this interactive scene. Rest assured that from here on it only gets more interesting.

P.S. Also you can expect to hear news about IQ soon.




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Ok, I could try it, I waited the weekend because I thought it would be bigger, but even if it's a small scene, it's an interesting one, did many try, noticed that every action as a random chance to fail, I guess using tools like lockpick help reduce the chances to fail, what I see in that sceen, is a lot of possibility, and what I hope to see in the full demo is the consequances of those possibility, what happen if you steal the money, will bell stop going to the library because she has no money or will she come and try to negociate, giving a possibility to play nice so she like you more or to make her some dirty work to get what she want ? what happend if you steal all her panties, will she take the risk to go botomless making her lewd go up ? if she has money will she give buy panties instead of a book, what if she don't have money ? having a better chance to get more naughty stuff in exchange of a book ? what happend if you leave the cum dripping panty on the ground ? will it make her more lewd ? so many questions, and that make me even more hyped to see the full demo, but I really like the many possibilties and intereaction you can have, it show that you will need to do many run to see all of them, replayability is a nice thing :)


Ha! This is a very interesting and funny questions. Thanks! Some of this has already been done by us. And some of your questions led me to an interesting thoughts. In general, soon you will see how it is implemented in our game. ;)