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Hello friends!

Work on 'The Library Story' ver 0.95 continues at full speed.

And first of all, we'd like to say great thank you to all those who responded and offered their help with translation and proofreading! (of course, objectively, there are much more people who want to help with proofreading than those who could help with the translation... Which is not at all surprising :D. So if you suddenly speak fluently both English and Russian and you are interested in our projects, we are gladly ready to discuss possible cooperation!). We are really grateful to you guys! Your response is very inspiring!

Secondly - as we have already said, we don't want to spoil LS 0.95 ... But according to a number of your comments and letters, we realized that not everyone is aware of some innovations in the previous versions of LS! Therefore, today we recall that the Reading Room for our wonderful Belle appeared in LS!

It looks like this:

Or like this:

And... Although no, it seems that's enough. You'll better see it in the game ^__^. In the latest available LS version, Gaston will have thoughts on the reading room two weeks after the start of the game. After which, it will be possible to build it and even establish your own... special rules for visitors there. In order to see all the content associated with the reading room - be sure to use the password for patrons before you start the game. You can see the password, for example, in this post:


And finally, we should note that this news is also relevant to the upcoming version! Because the theme of the reading room will be developed there... in quite an unexpected direction ;)

Thanks for your support guys! Work continues, stay in touch!



hmm I have a feeling I might have mucked up the password when I first started playing 0.94. I'm guessing I should start from scratch in 0.95. Is there an indicator when the password has been accpeted and is correct?


When you enter the wrong password, a loud unpleasant sound is heard. And there is a “good” sound when the password is accepted. In addition, active bonus for patrons appears on the starting bonuses screen at the beginning of the game. But we'll definitely make this system more obvious, you're right.


Ah, I tend to run games with no sound when I play music. Ok then I'd probably best start a fresh with 0.95 and put the sound on for a while, I'm probably missing out on nice music


Because savegames werent compatible between versions and as it was written here some mechanics in hunting and questing where changed is this probably the only way to do it :).