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Hello friends!

We understand that this is a kind of shocking news... But yes. 'The Library Story' has the main plot now. We mean the prologue, the chain of related events and a number of alternative endings. And maybe even an epilogue (or rather epilogues - for different endings :D). Of course, you can ask why you have not met this main plot till the ver. 0.95? The answer is obvious - because we'll finally add it only there - in v.0.95. But better late than never, right?

The most funny thing is that in general the main plot was written almost at the beginning of the game. But we never got around to add it all into the game. For this, it was necessary to implement at least one more important character, add the Hunters' Guild and everything related to it, as well as make a bunch of different small and not very additions. And all this you will see in the "big" version LS 0.95!

Of course this will definitely not be a plot 'from the beginning to the end' (we are not talking about version 1.0, right?). But, in any case, in ver 0.95 you'll be able to participate in the development of the story as a whole as we intended from the beginning. And yes, of course, the elements of sandbox and some individual storylines are also not going anywhere. The fact is that some of them will be implemented into the main plot, and some other will remain side (but no less interesting) events.

Of course, we're glad to hear your questions, opinions and ideas about the plot for LS! ^__^

The work on the ver 0.95 is in full swing.

Thank you for your support, guys! We will continue to post updates on LS 0.95, so stay tuned.




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Yes... The plot.. that is what i am interested in...