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Greetings, our Patreon comrades!

Perhaps, you haven’t noticed, but because of reasons of different levels of importance, we managed to skip last Monday’s news. And it caused catastrophic consequences!

The Doomsday Clock was moved a few minutes closer to midnight!

January ended!

The Patreon payments processing rate slowed down!

We won’t make the same mistake again! This newsletter is meant to stop the series of catastrophic events.

So, what is our humble news of this week?

Art Department

Besides different minor stuff for Episode One, 3 of 5 new Iris’ outfits are finished.

The delay (and we’ve planned to finish all the outfits by now) was caused not by the technical difficulties, but the artistic ones. We haven’t come up with interesting enough ideas for two remaining dresses. But we continue discussions and consultations, and by the time of the new combat release, the whole costume pack will be ready for sure.

Of course, the new outfits will be shown both during dialogs and in combat. And sometimes it won’t be easy neither to get them, nor to put them on Iris… Although, let’s not get ahead of ourselves to avoid spoilers.

Technical Department

The active work on the combat is in progress. Now we’re testing the mechanics of placing the characters into a few rows. This will affect the range of skills and give the opportunity for “tanks” to cover weak mages and “glass cannons”. Potentially, it should grant you countless moments of joy, when you’re making the tenth attempt to hit a weak boss who commands some hulks guarding him (or her ^__^). But only if we finally approve this system.

Also, we’re actively discussing and improving the UI. And soon you’re going to see the results in the new combat demo.

Finally, we’re quietly working on a small dialog-specific piece of fun for the Episode One. But we’re not going to reveal any details for now, even under torture!

All in all, the work goes on.



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