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Hi friends!

The end of the month is here, so it’s time to announce our work IQ plans for remaining spring. These plans don’t contain anything sensational, they’re simple and work-related. And they’re based on the things we managed to accomplish this March.


1) “Goblins’ Curse” (aka IQ Dungeon) will be completed. One way or another, we’re going to finish this piece of work and release it this spring. No matter what.

2) If we manage to deal with the “Curse” as fast as planned, we will start the open (patreon-only) testing of the final combat system of “Iris Quest”. By now the combat has become very important part of the gameplay, so we just can’t proceed with the story leaving the combat “on the bench” unfinished. But despite the combat was present in each of our demos, it is still half-baked. A whole lot of our ideas still not implemented, and some of the players’ complaints not properly addressed. So, we’re going to finalize it on-line, discussing it with you and hearing out your suggestions about the ideas we’re going to demonstrate. These ideas are technical, artistic and, shall we say, content ones, related to the game genre (if you know)).

3) We deliberately don’t make any additional commitments for the remaining two spring months. If we manage to do something on top of that, we’ll inform you with separate post.

Meanwhile, we’ll do our best to finish all planned tasks in time.



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