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Greetings Heroes!

It is time to announce the second anniversary gift of one Complete bundle from our 2022 releases!
The poll has ended and we gathered the results from both our Patreon and MMF:Tribes.
The winning theme is…

March '23 "Era: of Forbidden Magic" with 66 votes on both platforms!

The second choice was February ’23: Bone and Flesh with 28 votes, followed closely by May ’23: Death Coliseum with 25 votes.

Eligible subscribers* will receive the winning bundle via MyMiniFactory today so check your library later in the day!

*(Hero of the Realm Tier and up)

Thank you all for participating and we hope to enjoy our anniversary releases!

File Updates!

We have updated some of the provided files of the Fantasy Release that some of you pointed out.
You will find the updated files under the Fantasy Release/File Corrections SYNC Folder.
Use these files in place of the old ones.

1. Abberant Tyrant_RightEyeTentacle1: This is the correct tentacle that was missing. The Abberant Tyrant zip folder updated with these new files.

2. FDM Temple Entrace Stairs correction: Correct FDM Version of the Stairs1 LeftFDM and Stairs1 RightFDM files.

Thank you all for your support and we wish you happy gaming and happy printing!
Until next time,
~ CGF Team ~




The pack that won is the only other pack I have bought from crippled god. :(

Josh Gelinas

probably my favorite pack, this is one of the ones that made me jump in ages ago