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Part 3 - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5tsjphtsilg8auisrn7ek/Mayhem-Mania-Part-3.pdf?rlkey=6z8jdl5yte8v6cadqtu94j7fs&dl=0



Wow... Totally frustrating for me personally. You did hit all the check boxes though. Exclusively Girl On Girl action (so you cannot be accused of being a male supremacist) . Total focus on bondage (so you cannot be accused of supporting rape by a male) and mind control that resulted in complete and total consensual, with no Battered wives or Stockholm syndrome. Very well written. :) Please forgive me as I honestly do not mean to be condescending or hyper critical. I am just frustrated that my interests are socially unacceptable unless they involve all women.