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This is a choose your own adventure where you play as frequent damsel in distress Emily Lockwood.  After discovering that Kate is a serial killer Emily and Eliza travel to Kate's hometown and begin delving into her dark past. As they discover more about Kate they will find hidden diaries she wrote. In reading these diaries you will get to play as Kate as she attempts to capture and dispose of her prey. For the first time ever you will play as the villain and see from her perspective as you stalk and capture your targets. These segments will feature sensual elements as Kate kidnaps and toys with her victims, but they will also feature darker segments as Kate is a killer.

This is the continuation of season four and will continue developing Emily and Eliza's relationship. It will also follow up on the cliffhanger from the last adventure, in which Maria Estrada was hypnotized and enslaved by Kate. Emily might have left Greenfield for now, but when she returns Kate will be waiting for her...

(Patreon isn't allowing me to upload the html file so I have zipped it. Please let me know if this doesn't work for you and I will continue trying to find a solution.)


John Smith

I am using my android and laptop which both say that it cant open the file


Sorry that its not working for you, I've tested it on my laptop and phone and it's okay so I'm not sure what the issue is. Could I email you the file?


I think this is your second-greatest work, preceded only by the first chapter of this season, New Beginnings! Emily's jump into young adulthood has allowed you to pit her against both the classic humiliations of everyday hazards amped up to 11, and then proceed into darker and higher-stakes peril as the plot progresses. You basically get all of the fun failures from both extremes, with none of the awkwardness of making your villain into a moustache-twirling cartoon villain. Kate is a real-life monster, plain and simple, and you're bold enough to show that without any fantastical elements that keep it one degree removed from reality (except the hypnosis stuff, which I could take or leave, especially since someone like Kate is fully capable of manipulating anyone into the same behaviors realistically with her many personas, skills, and drugs). Your story is also uniquely engaging. Emily hasn't been heading in such an unpredictable direction like this before. While her foes are usually well-crafted foils to her flaws, the flaws themselves are pretty telegraphed, and you can see the arc from a mile off. With this, I genuinely don't know where the plot is headed, and that makes me stoked to see what comes next. I hope you keep up the fantastic work, and continue putting such clever spins on the medium of Choose-Your-Own-Adventures!


Thanks for the feedback! I always appreciate your analysis of these stories, and I'm glad you liked this one! I'm also really glad you're enjoying the more unpredictable nature of this season. With Emily growing up I wanted to show how things aren't as easy for her anymore, the adventures of her youth had a clear path but now her life is darker and messier, her travels are a mystery for now but they clearly didn't end well. She's at her most lost and directionless this season, and the rest of the season continues exploring that.