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This is a choose your own adventure where you play as frequent damsel in distress Emily Lockwood. After travelling around the world the former girl detective has finally returned! Immediately upon her return she discovers an old friend has been kidnapped and she is thrust into a new perilous adventure. In this adventure your detective skills will be tested as you investigate the disappearance of Emily's friend. Throughout the story there will be various clues as to the villains true identity, and toward the end of the story there will be a list of suspects you can choose from. Choose the wrong one and there will be terrible consequences.

This is the beginning of season four and the start of a new era of Emily's adventures. She's a little bit older and wiser, and she'll be challenged in ways she hasn't before. The perils she faces will be more deadly and sensual than ever. The world has changed, and so has she, but does she still have what it takes to solve a mystery? You'll have to play as Emily to find out!

(Open the attachment)


John Smith

Pretty good more hypnosis please

Tom Kain

Ending was one of you best. 10/10