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And here's the new animation! This time it's going back to the roots a little with a short clip that purely focuses on vore. With only a minute of runtime the animation is more in line with The Apartment animation in terms of length, but for that the quality is at its peak with both highly detailed animation, as well as an elaborate environment, render, and effects setup. Realizing these visuals in a way in which they didn't take years to render was quite a challenge again, so here's hoping you like this new film! (:

1080p Quality

60FPS: Link 

30FPS: Link 

720p Quality

30FPS: Link 

Camera 2 with close-ups is coming next week, stay tuned!




This was fucking amazing <3 well worth waiting for and another job well done, Cake. Thank you!


Glad you liked it! I recommend watching the 60FPS version in slow motion as well, especially during the belly rocking part. ^_^


I honestly think, and that most people would agree with me , when I say that your size difference, or macro/micro work, is just absolutely amazing in every way. I sincerely hope that you have full intentions on continuing this kind of work. Also wondering, even though I know it's incredibly early , if you have any ideas for your next animation . just wondering! :3


Lovely work. I normally don't care much for micro, but the swallowing and the belly bounce are great. :)




This one was amazing, love the "cartoon / funny" sound we hear when she enters the stomach :)


Loved the sexy dance she did when she ate the girl. Excellent work as always


The next one will actually be pretty similar to this, only that the prey starts out at the floor with Zoe crawling down. Was thinking to do a lot more internal shots with this one to and go for a different time of day in the overall scene to have a bit of variety. Next animation will still be a bit whatsoever, so I'm considering putting up some other content for next month! (:


Just noticed how the fur on her tail reacts with her tail swaying. An amazing attention to detail!


It just looks so damn good. I don't know what else to say here, really. I love it. It's great.