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Annnd it’s here! The Encounter Halloween Special… in May! :D

Admittedly, I was hoping to release this animation a few months earlier, but I somehow went overboard again and didn’t stick to my own 2 - 3 minute target for something that is now twice as long. To my surprise, Bunsen was quite a bit more elaborate to animate than Zoe, especially when his full body was in the frame. The rig that Gecky made for Bunsen was quite complex and offers a ton of control to make him incredibly expressive, but having more than 5 times the controller count of Zoe, the time it took to animate him properly was also significantly larger. Here’s hoping that the rig for Chloe will be a bit more streamlined and easier to work with. Just knowing she doesn’t have wings makes me feel a lot calmer already, hah!

Speaking of which, I also wanted to use this animation to announce the upcoming film as well, which will be titled Encounter – Wrath of the Anubian Queen (or Encounter 3). I’m quite excited not only for working with Chloe, but also for an Egyptian scenario since this is something I've always wanted to try! I’ll go a little more in-depth about this episode in an upcoming post next week whatsoever, once I got all the posting-related stuff out of the way.

For now I’m hoping you enjoy this new animation with all its path-traced visuals! Make sure to give the encoding some time as well, as the uploads will probably need a bit to trickle through. Note that the 60FPS versions will likely take until next week since I still need to convert all the sequences.




loved it excellent work as usual but wouldn't mind a female bun sun voice version also looking forward to seeing encountered 3 love the look of it at the end


Guess that would be Bunsina, haha! And thanks, really can't wait to start working on it myself!


Thanks for the animation, but, just curious, do you ever plan on making animations that aren't willing, or have actual more permanent voring as opposed to respawning?


It's tough to condense things when you've been struck a great deal of inspiration and ideas that just have to be added. You want to tell the story and have specific shots in mind, but to cut it down almost feels like leaving out too much. It always appreciated though Cake, and it looks absolutely stunning. Loving quite a few shots and it gives me inspiration for when I can draw again.


Amazing as always, probably my favourite of all your animations! Keep up the great work because damn you are talented! Also are you doing any bonus angles for this animation, that would be cool and if so which scenes would it be if u have decided :)


Dang, I'm already way too pumped for the next one. Everything you do is absolutly great stuff and I always love seeing you've made another post. Super Excited to see more!

Charles J Burgess

Awesome, and now for my in-depth review First off, the animations are spectacular, especially with the vegetation, forestry, as well as the environmental settings such as lighting and fog were quite visually spectacular, A+. Bunsen and space hero animations are a solid A considering the animation style. The dialogue is quite solid too, that small argument between space hero and Bunsen was rather comical, I got a good laugh out of "That was my cousin, Bunjour!". Overall, I give the dialog a solid A, with a special opinion that I rather enjoy that theme of them knowing they're in a game. The actual vore parts I'll give a B, perhaps a B+. The very first part when Bunsen envelopes space hero in his mouth, the sound stage sounds vaguely internal despite it being an external shot, and a slightly exaggerated, like more is happening than what really is, but not egregiously so. Past the initial external scene, everything sounds correct and consistent to what's happening on screen. Bunsen's teeth, tongue, and other mouth parts look incredible, A+ on mouth design and animation, especially for the swallowing. EDIT: I accidentally hit "enter" instead of "shift+enter" when starting this new paragraph, I still have more. The story itself is quite fun and entertaining, the fact that Bunsen displays intent of eating space hero with each revert to checkpoint by saying "we'll be doing this a few more times". Bunsen seemed to really enjoy eating a space hero, and while entertaining to watch, in my opinion, Zoe does it better, as she possesses a certain charm which Bunsen seems to lack, but that's just me. That being said, with Bunsen, it felt more like being actual food rather than just being messed with like Zoe enjoys doing, which gives the sense a being eaten a more organic feel to it. When space hero claims "Zoe will not be happy about this", I was half expecting at the end of the credits for Zoe to pop out and ask "uhh, where is my little snack?", and Bunsen going "um, he went that way". The pyramids at the end were a spectacular sight, which is obviously leading to Chloe's story, which leaves me waiting with much anticipation for the next installment of "Encounter". EDIT 2: I forgot my overall grade, which is an A


This is an entire as cinematic universe in development holy shit. Ngl I dream of voicing in one of these one day x3

Bigmudder 24

This turned out awesome as always! Are we gonna get a Bunsen and Zoe confrontation? Maybe resulting in Zoe punishing Bunsen


to add to that what if zoe and bunsen kiss fight for smol :3


I love how DarkWitt voiced Bunsen. He sounded almost like Kevin Michael Richardson.


Dang, it says i'm missing a codex thing to play the better version so had to download the other version. Which is a bit of a shame as it kinda ignores my higher pledge, lol. Guess i should get a better laptop soon, lol. Still looked amazing though! Apart from being here for the vore and mouth play i do love how you do expressions and how they talk fits so well with the mouth, etc. So impressive! Like a Pixar movie! I still want his helmet to come off one day though so he can experience the full senses of taste and smell and even better touch!! =P I wonder if there'll be a scene where Zoe & Bunsen both open their mouths and the MC has to choose which to go in? Gosh wat a choice!! =O


I love it so much congratulations, just wish it was abit longer


Don't know if it's just me. But I cannot seem to get any audio from the video.. Am I missing something? EDIT: Btw it's only through the 1080p/30FPS (h.265) as of yet


Oop, apologies! Looks like something got goofed in the export. I'll make sure to make a new encode today and reupload it soon. Will comment here when it's fixed!


Thanks so much, Tarkin! I'm super excited for the next one as well and really can't wait to get to work on it! This might become the biggest one yet, aha!


Thanks so much for the in-depth review! Yeah, I do have to agree that the vore itself wasn't anything particularly new. I struggled with a few parts such as the one where Space Hero was scene from the inside-mouth angle due to Bunsen's teeth being so big, haha! They kept clipping into the character, which is why I had to keep the mouth open at all times. In terms of sound design I'll make sure to tell Darkwitt next time I'm animating a scene like that, as I found it to be a bit too internal sounding myself. I guess he's just getting the hang of it still, hah! Super happy you liked it, thanks for the lengthy review! :D


I guess it's slowly getting there! And I'll gladly take your audition any time! :D


Oh yeah, h.265 doesn't come as standard with Windows, so you have to buy it off the store. Luckily it's only one dollar, but I'll look into other codecs when exporting the 60FPS versions. And thanks so much! I took my time with the expressions since I find it super important to make them believable characters, even if it's just a vore animation. And on that last idea I think that having Zoe and Chloe do that would likely be a better fit, especially once Zoe's revision is finalized as well! <:


Thanks, and yeah! Bunsen sadly took more than twice as long to animate as Zoe, so it was taking quite some time. It was actually intended to only be 2 - 3 minutes, but was hard building the necessary tension in such a short period, oop!


Oooohhh! Good point!! Hope to see that one day xD


60FPS Versions are now available too!


He seems like a very friendly dragon.

CakeInferno (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-23 11:27:20 He is! At least usually! <:
2023-06-19 23:53:33 He is! At least usually! <:

He is! At least usually! <: