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(Give it a tiny bit of time for the gifs to load!)

Hey guys! As expected, rendering the preview version of the animation isn’t quite finished yet, but it’s progressing pretty well! I’ve taken the extra time to polish up a lot of the animation, which included some slight retiming, more accented motion, breathing, and other flourishes such as smoke coming out of Bunsen’s mouth every now and then. Except for the first shot, rendering hasn’t quite caught up to the Bunsen scenes yet, but we're slowly getting there.

The scenes with Space Hero came out quite nicely! His materials have been significantly overhauled since Encounter 2, and the addition of a proper facial model/rig with hair have now allowed for facial close-ups and generally more expression coming from him. I might overhaul him once more for Encounter 3 and see if I can further improve his rig, as I’ve planned on having him in a lot of 3rd person scenes again.

Right now I’m aiming for mid-February for the Patreon preview version of this animation, with the final thing hopefully being done in the month after. I’ve still got some animating to do for the vore scenes, which unfortunately take place at the end of the animation, so a lot of them aren’t in the preview, but I do hope that at least gives you guys something else to look forward to! 

Again, apologies for the animation taking so long. I had planned for this to only be 2 – 3 minutes, but it already looks like the preview animation is reaching the 3-minute mark on its own, whoops! Fingers crossed that rendering of the remaining scenes will be done in 2 weeks, so I can finally release an early preview and go right back to animating!



Charles J Burgess

This is looking excellent. Patience really is a virtue. I'm happy to wait a long time for an A+ animation than to have quick B- animations


That blaster looks so, so cool lol. I'm glad it wasn't that powerful against Zoe lol.


If your being honest with yourself about the early release date, then we all can trust you. But hey, many animations come early, or very late, either way no matter how you animate or render, we trust that you always give it 100%!


Looks like this’ll totally be worth the wait!

Michael Lee Vogel

Looks like space hero got an upgrade to his blaster with a charge shot. Looking very awesome cake, also Looking forward to the animation


Is Zoe going to be in the animation? (And in Encounter 3)


Yeah, not in this animation since it's more intended as a special episode. Encounter 3 will feature Chloe and be its own thing, but Zoe will be back for Encounter 4!


Chloe?! When will encounter 3 be out? Now I’m really excited💯