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As promised, here are is a preview on the Halloween animation that I'm still working on! Having almost animated two and a half minutes the progress is good, even though not nearly as far as I'd have liked it at this point. It's certain that this is going to be the longest animation yet, with a runtime that will even exceed the three minute Jackal animation from a few years ago. Here's hoping that despite its length and effort I can finish it in a timely manner, as I know I'm keeping you guys waiting.

The tone of this animation is going to be a tad darker, despite that it's still going to keep a humorous undertone. However, instead of using vibrant colors this new film will mostly be tinted in darkness. To prevent it from becoming pitch black I'm making a lot of use of fog that contrasts with the dark folliage, as the car the viewer finds themself in is embraced by a dark forest. To the left there's an old farmstead with a dim, solar powered light that illuminates the fog beyond the fence. The majority of the illumination is done by the car's headlights though, once they're turned on they'll reveal most of the scene, and Zoe as well.

After she had already teased the viewer through short messages, she'll finally make an appearance right next to the car, leaning herself against the window and teasing the viewer with a lengthy lick at the glass. The whole scene could be compared to the Zoe's Tease animation from many years ago. Once she has had her fun, she's going to pretend to have seen something scary behind the viewer, they're going to turn around and find her gone, only to find her in the passanger seat right after. I think from here most of you know what's going to happen afterwards.

Note that these last two images here are a little dated, as I've already put some more work in character lighting and the environment itself. The first two images however should represent the final look pretty well!

While I've been working 80h weeks, releasing the animation on the 31st of October was sadly impossible to manage, especially with this being the most elaborate film yet. There's still a lot that has to be animated, at the same time I've also spent a considerable amount of time into the environment. In terms of animation this new film is going to be much smoother, as I'm carefully tweaking everything until it feels perfect. The new 60FPS format should help elevating this later on!

To get an idea of how the final animation will look like, check out this header image in full 4k resolution!




This is freaking outstanding. I think, based on the renders, this'll turn out amazing!


Keep at it Cake! You will have it done in no time, We believe in you!

Daniel Sullivan

Cant wait! Keep up the great work!


Looking good! Don't worry about taking your time, I think we'd all prefer that to a rushed release (or a burnt-out Cake)!


Thanks mate! Still trying to get this to you as fast as I possibly can! (: