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First off, thanks so much to all patrons, old and new, who have been supporting the last month! After the release of the recent animation the pledges pretty much doubled, bringing us above the 1.5k goal within just three months! I have to admit I never expected things to get even remotely close to that, but we somehow made it, which is thanks to your generous support!

There will be a few changes coming this month, the biggest one being that I'll convert to the new system where new patrons are charged up front. There's several reasons why this system will probably work better, one of them being the reduction in messaging work here. So far I needed to send every patron a link to the new animation, with the new system I'd be able to directly post the animations here without having to worry about people pledging for a minute, grabbing stuff, and dropping out. Since I get a notification for every pledge I can tell that this is case with at least one third of new pledges coming in. Note the decision isn't final yet, so if there's any critique towards this system write it down in the comments and I'll reconsider it. So far I've only received recommendations to migrate to it though.

The second change will be the preliminary bump up/removal of the VR goal. I want to be completely honest here, I didn't expect us to be anywhere close to this goal within just three months and had only set it as a consideration for a more distant future. If we'd reach it right now I'd certainly be unable to deliver on it, especially since it would require a significant upgrade in both soft and hardware, which would requires a very considerable investment. The bump/removal of the goal will only be temporarily, at least until I'm ready for it. Chances are it won't be something for this year anymore, since I'm just starting to upgrade to deliver on the 60FPS goal.

Either way, here's a first render of the environment for the new animation! This new film will be Halloween themed, so expect something a little more spooky this time. It will be a POV thing in the same style of the Jackal animation, with the environment being a car inside the woods. There's still a lot of work I need to do on this before actually starting to animate, but I'll keep you guys posted with new renders and tests throughout the month! (:



Coty Clogston (Ticklefish. ItsMe)

Is it possible for the goal to be temporarily something else? Maybe a small gif weekly/monthly? Or upload an image here and there for Fur Affinity/Deviant Art? ANd when you are ready for it, go VR?


I'm curious, will we see an external eventually or will this be purely POV? Also congratulations!


Already been thinking about this! Making gifs monthly in addition would likely be above my current capacities, bi/tri-monthly however would be more realistic, so I'll try to go for that. In addition I could offer extras from the bigger animations, including alternative camera/slow motion sequences, if the render budget allows it! Thanks for your input Coty! (:


Was planning this to be a mix of POV and third person camera, similar to the Jackal animation! Just hoping I can animate and render all of this until the month! .o.


Looking forward to the playblast/image/gif previews in the coming weeks. :3 So glad this is working out for you! I know image/sample renders are a bit expensive, but maybe you would be able to post more WIP playblasts for one of your higher goals? Or, like you said, include extras/deleted scenes. You make great content, so for me personally just seeing more of its progress/development would be fantastic. Of course, that is just me and I have no idea how much that'd take out of you on your end, so if that's too much then ignore me. ^_^'


I actually feel... proud to know that I've been helping the continued production of these videos. And I can already tell I'm going to love this next one, too! POV is a beautiful sight.


I'll definitely post playblasts here of the new animation this month! They're already included in the $5 and will be posted with the ongoing process of animating. Having said that it will still be 1/2 weeks before I'm posting these since I still haven't started animating yet. Still finalizing the environment and readying the characters! (:


Thanks so much Ehren, super happy about the incredible support you've given me throughout the past months! Glad you're happy about this being POV, always wanted to do another film of this type! (:

Harvey White

So, does this mean it starts in first person then goes to third in some bits?


Yep! Pretty much like the Jackal animation I made a few years ago! Been already in touch with your friend by the way and finalized the reward for him! Finally starting to animate this coming week! (:


Slightly disappointed about the VR news, but it's totally understandable. I bought a Rift DK1 a few years ago thinking I might do some VR stuff, but that never went anywhere. VR is intimidating! Regardless, your normal videos are still top-notch!


Yep, it really is! Would require a substantial upgrade here to my equipment, as well as a lot of experimenting first, so VR is something that would have to be approached slowly!