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Welp, here's a new playblast that continues the rather affectionate mawplay. I must admit I'm not quite happy with this yet, as there's still a ton of clipping, while the lighting lacks a bit of contrast and definition. I'll probably adjust the lighting on a per-shot basis, which is something I've already done in the last animation. In addition I'll take another two days to polish this shot a little, as I must admit that I rushed this scene a little since I was already overdue with the next preview. I'll make sure to have a more polished version of this by the end of the month!

To make up for it I have a couple more things to show, mainly some of the first rendered frames of the ray traced background layer, as well as the final lighting on Zoe and the environment for the first shot.

Rendering in the first Encounter took a whopping two months, which came due to the new, native 60 FPS format, as well as the lengthy runtime of the animation itself. The length of the process got me quite anxious back then, which is why for this animation I'm already rendering some sequences that are good to go in advance, hopefully buffering the time it will take once both of my machines are committed to rendering frames. 

There are two new technical additions to this animation, coming in the form of path tracing for selected scenes, as well as Ai-based temporal image reconstruction, which should supply massively improved image quality through anti-aliasing that is comparable to NVidia's DLSS. I might show some of the experiments I've made regarding the later in the next preview!

Rendering this new animation will be a more colossal task than ever, as scene and effects complexity have drastically increased. This time I've come fully prepared, with a desktop that is equipped with an RTX 3090 FE, as well as a new laptop that I recently set up, which also rocks a high wattage RTX 3080 to assist rendering where ever necessary. Right now my desktop is already rendering the background layer, while I'm still animating on my laptop. There's still a lot of scenes to get done, and with the additional mawplay scenes I'm a little uncertain if I'll still manage to hit the September goal for the Patreon release, but I'll keep crunching!



Michael Lee Vogel

I've always loved it when zoe licks and slurps her prey or friend and those renders are beautiful.

Jack asdf

This has got to be my new favorite view/scene


This would make a great POV scene. Always amazed at your work.


Loving this mawplay so much omg! He's gotta take the helmet off! Gotta breath in that delicious hot air!!


I love this scene! Super cute and I love the tongue's physics! My only suggestion would be to maybe have her "spit" our hero out more slowly, like maybe have him sliding out of her maw into her paws instead. I think that would better fit the playful slurping our hero gets right after. Just a suggestion though, I'm loving how this is coming out either way <3


That said I don't know the context before or after this scene, so for all I know it's perfect! xD Can't wait to see what else is in store!

Khaki Chan

I still can't get over how good the fur looks


Aagghh I can't wait to see how this one turns out! I also have a personal suggestion which is that, if you haven't made some already, I would love if there were some mawshots where you just zoom into Zoe's gaping mouth. It's kind of like those in the alternative angles for the Zoe Noms the Night animation, but that's just a personal suggestion and I know you've already worked so hard on this, so take it as you will ^-^


This looks amazing! I can't wait to see this when it's finished! Btw do you still plan on releasing a public preview or are you gonna wait until you finish the whole thing?


Ah but it is looking so good thus far as the plot thickens with that amazing maw and tongue! As time passes, we approach the end. It's so exciting just anticipating the day you can sit back, relax, and hit submit. ^.=.^ ♥


oh gawd this is gonna be so sexi :3


Pls bonus pov angle for that part holy fk 😍


I know I sound like a broken record, but you should make her tongue longer in the revised scene. I feel like it would do good things for it.


I love it when Zoey gets all flirty and isn’t just going to eat. Like the licking, the whispering in the ear in the last one, the little kiss in the same size one from awhile ago. All my favorite parts.