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Hey guys! I thought it would be a good idea to put a bit of a management update here, as my PM inbox is giving me a bit of anxiety. Right now I have about 78 unread PMs, as well as a few more that I haven’t managed to reply yet. I’ve usually been able to keep up with them okay enough in the past, but have admittedly reached a kind of threshold that had me burying my head in the sand for a bit.

The release of Encounter caused a fairly large wave of feedback, which I managed to keep up with to a certain degree. A month after however, I sent out the PM links for the animation and completely forgot to put a note in there to not reply to these messages, as they were bulk messages sent to almost a thousand people. This incentivized a lot of patrons to reply, causing a lot of the still open messages to get buried beneath a large amount of new PMs with lengthy bulk-reply chains.

I’ll do the best I can to get back to these, but it will take a bit of time since I still to make sure to get actual content done. If you have already sent a message to me, make sure to not send multiple ones after it since it will only move the reply chain to the top in my inbox. This will only make me get to it even later, as I’m going through my messages chronologically, starting with the oldest ones.

In the meantime I can only apologize for not getting back to everyone in time. In the recent months there’s been a massive surge in new patrons, letting this account average to 900 – 1000 supporters every month. It’s no secret that I’m quite overloaded with managing things here, especially so with me having a career and company to work for IRL, which isn’t related to anything I do here.

I’m hoping that things will go back to normal here once I’m done with all the pre-production work for the Encounter sequel. By the time I’m animating, I’ll hopefully have caught up with a lot of the outstanding messages. In the meantime, getting back to PMs will probably take some time.



Yeeeaaaaaaaah, Encounter blew up like crazy!!!! Even some of my friends who dont like vore got into this one and shared it to other friends. Either for vore or macro or just how amazing the production was! I mean i just showed my friend how good the buster looked and he needed to know who you were! I didnt expect something like this to happen tho!


Relax man, if you can't get back to every message it's not a huge deal.