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First off, apologies for the long wait. Rendering this lengthy animation is taking quite a decent while due to the sheer amount of frames. ;-;

Right now two thirds of the main part with Zoe are rendered. There were a few complications with a certain scene that had issues with heavy shadow flickering occurring during one of the close ups. While I wasn't able to fully fix it, I was at least able to minimize it to a degree where it's not a distraction. Apart from that I finished animating all the three internal scenes, with two of them already rendered. There's still two more scenes I'm animating, but these only include fairly low-key animation and are more of an environment design job. It's basically an area that has an old-fashioned save point in it, serving as a respawn area for the player. This also exists as a bit of an intro environment for the film so it feels a little more fleshed out. It's not finalized yet, still lacking lighting and some veggies, but I'm hoping to get there in a couple days.

Work on sound design has started just a few days ago, with me implementing some music I wrote, various environment sounds, as well as some voice work, for which I've already received a number of samples. As you can probably imagine, the recent weeks have been heavy in multitasking, with me only sleeping when all my systems were busy rendering. Part of the reason for the delay in render time is an external GPU box I've ordered two months back. Back then the item was available, but delivery time kept getting pushed back with every other week until the thing was basically reported unavailable at every reseller here. I'm uncertain if this had anything to do with the pandemic, but it seemed like an odd item to go out of stock so suddenly. My second PC has luckily still been able to support rendering this film, albeit at a much slower speed.

I'm still planning to release a sneak-peak version of the animation before the month's end, which would show the first three minutes of the film. There might be some things missing such as the full post-production, as well as a couple samples in the sound design.

While rendering should definitely finish this month, I still need some time to slam all the frames together, do post production, and the full sound design. In the meantime I should have some new render previews available this coming weekend. Might as well show a snippet of the sound design, which includes ASMR-style binaural audio. In the meantime, thank you so much for your patience. I'll make sure this animation won't disappoint!




This will ABSOLUTELY be worth the wait. I dont care how long it takes <3 I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'd rather wait a long time for an amazing product than wait a short period of time for an average product. Thanks for the update, Cake!


An animation from cake inferno will always be the best, it's like he's naturally blessed with stuff like this, can't wait for more! Don't overwork yourself cake!!

Brian Graham

Take your time. We understand quality work takes time and patience.

Cinder Flash

I'm excited art can't be rushed


Just reading all that you have to do to make this short film work is mind boggling! Definitely don't fret about how long it takes! Everything you've shown us so far has been amazing and will certainly be worth the wait. :)


sweet :D


That's amazin Inferno, please do sleep more if you need to, I'd much rather you take care of your health and this be ready a week or two later than you totally overwork yourself (I'm having the first week off in over a year or two personally) Fantastic stuff as always n hope you're managing stress okay given the amount of work you're doing plus the world stress going on 🙏💚💚


Just curious, do you have masterclasses and such? I remember you wrote somewhere that you want others to continue on these kinds of animations, so I was wondering if you can teach others.


This animation is gonna be like a single malt whiskey. It ages and gets the best out of it. Taste, color(s), smoothness... all in all, an outstanding quality.°) Also, like many other said before, please do not overwork yourself! Take the time you need to manage everything well.


Oh damn sometimes I forget you render these at 4k 60fps. It's looking fantastic though


Hey guys! Apologies for not having another preview out yet, I'm currently putting together some rendered sequences and will hopefully have another in progress render preview tomorrow with a first peek at the sound design and Zoe's new voice. Currently pushing myself to get the mentioned sneak peek version out for this month, apologies if replying to messages is currently super slow!


After tuesday i assumed you were doing something along those lines and/or just going for the sneak peak instead. :-) But whats the sneak peek gonna have? i was a bit confused when i read your posts. Is it gonna be a preview of some parts? or was it gonna be those first 3 mins?


go go go!