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First off, happy new year everyone! Hope you all managed to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve with your family and got some time off! Thanks so much for this year's amazing support to everyone around here. I'll certainly do my best for 2020 to keep the animations coming, which will of course include the current bossfight animation, as well as Zoe Noms U 3, which I want to get back to after this one is completed.

Despite the holidays I've managed to keep things on track and finalize the first-person rig, as well as implement and animate it for the scene. The model is based on the one from the previous animation, only this time it's using proper clothing and fabric textures, rather than plain colors. Since I didn't want to include any guns, I've went for a more Mega Man/Metroid-style blaster canon, which will of course not do a whole lot to Zoe, but you'll see about that later~! A HUD will also be implemented to give it a more videogame-ish appearance, but that's something I won't be tackling before post.

With the entire intro being done I can finally move on to the actual boss fight itself, which should be quite a fun challenge to animate! I'll make sure to keep you updated with new previews as much as I can. (:




Looks amazing!


Looks incredible Cake! Can’t wait!


This looks really great! Is it gonna be one long attempt or several shorter ones where the player is eaten in different ways? Would love it if in one attempt the player simply walks right into zoe's grip where she's like "Well that was easy." before eating you.

Mircea Kitsune

Great work as always! Looking very promising.


This looks fantastic! I kinda hope they prey gets eaten over and over instead of just one nom sequence ^^


Very exciting!