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Here's a little wallpaper for Patreon's thank your patrons day, for which I took two days off from animating to make something small for the occasion! A big shout out to everyone who's been supporting me over here and making it possible for me to devote this much time to animation. I still feel like it was yesterday when I started out after going back and forth with people whether it was a good idea to start a Patreon. Needless to say I was more than happy to be proven wrong about all my insecurities after everything took off, which is all thanks to you guys! ;w;

Before I descend back into my lair to animate, I wanted to share this little wallpaper that incorporates the night setting of the new environment, Zoe included! Make sure to infinitely zoom in on it, as the image was rendered out at a completely unnecessary 8K pixel count! In case you don't like Zoe there's also a version without her. This one also has the depth of field disabled as well.

Just don't look too closely at the cliff. Since it's blocked in the image by Zoe I completely disabled the tessellation for that object. Guess that's the level of optimization I've reached by now, oh boy!

Hoping to have a new playblast finalized by the end up the month, which will feature some light nommy stuff. So stay tuned! <3




I love these~ Finally some new wallpapers &lt;3


She looks incredible! I look forward to seeing where this goes!!


Sooooooo hot


thank you for this

Khaki Chan

Damn that shit look GOOD


oo new wallpaper thanks &lt;3

Mircea Kitsune

Incredible! Thank you very much for sharing this.


So Beautiful that I think am gonna cry

Charles J Burgess

I knew I'd find these wallpapers eventually. The 2nd image, for some odd reason, is not clickable, so I can't get the 8k version. You able to fix this?