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Here's a look at one of the first bonus scenes that the new animation is going to be extended by. It's a fairly brief scene that however has a lot of detailed animation going on, which is why this one was cut from the initial release. The scene takes place roughly between the last "In mouth" scene and the last gulp, which is currently just transitioned via a couple of black frames, means the transition isn't probably going to be longer, but probably a bit more satisfying!


I feel that I need to additionally address this since I'm currently facing severe difficulties keeping up with feedback and messages on here. I recently got back to LA due to my commitment on an important project and have been crunching a fairly busy schedule. After releasing an animation on here I usually tend to take it a bit easier for a few weeks. But since I'm still working on this animation, I haven't had much of a chance to catch up with anything else going on here, especially so with the work I also need to catch up with IRL. 

My main priority is to currently get the extended animation done, send out all the HQ version links, and release the free animation a week or two afterwards. Since I didn't have much time to pack and couldn't bring my big workstation with me, I'm currently remote accessing my main PC to get everything done, which at least works a bit better than I first expected. I'm hoping to have the extended version of the animation out in roughly 2 weeks, in the meantime replies to messages could be very slow since I'm severely scatterbrained. D:




Do what is the best for you and I can't wait for the new upcoming animation addition. Also as a side note critique, pls give justice to your internals/belly scenes! Make them at least a few seconds longer >.<, its so well rendered and all of the recent animations just skimps on the them in terms of showcasing it.

Meddwynn Ravencroft

Oh god, that gulp and then her showing off her maw. o.O;; <3


Please take it easy on yourself, cake. Your mental health is worth more than anything. Just try to take things one at a time and dont worry about comments until you're done with your other other projects and such. I highly respect everything you do and support any decision you make; I wont be dropping my pledge regardless.

Jade B

Don't worry about it too much. If you ever start feeling burnt out, I'll forgive you for taking a break, and even encourage you to do so. I'm sure I'm not the only one that would either. ♡


Just want to echo the sentiment that you should take a break/take it slower if you need some time. Your physical and mental well-being should always come first. And even if people may not encourage you explicitly to do so, I think everyone here would be upset if we lost a talented artist due to burnout. Sometimes less is more! :3


This is still hot eitherway.

Khaki Chan

I don't believe I've said this before but I REALLY love how you've started animating all the uvula wiggling / swinging movements since the RAADD 2 film and onward. I've really got a soft spot for uvulas. I'd love to see you put a bigger focus on it some day XD

Mircea Kitsune

Looks so natural and fluid.


Ooo that neck squeeze ripple looks so natural and smooth, gosh you're good~ I am so keen to see this!


Please add a burp


No need to feel forced on your stuff. Take all the breaks you need; I understand how taxing making a stellar animation can be. We care about you, and would love to see you happy about what you do. Take a break; you deserve it.