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Zoe gets a little more up close and personal in this playblast, so let's hope you can keep doing the Sam Fisher and stay above her inside the glass! I've made a couple more edits to the lighting in the meantime for a more vibrant look, which is a lot closer to the recent wallpaper I posted! Right now I'm done with roughly 1:40 of animation, with the first sequence being pretty much done! There's about two more cuts to come, which will likely have the animation end up above 2 minutes. This probably doesn't sound like much, but consider that there's very little to no idling within this film at all, except for the first 5 seconds of the character waking up.

My plan is to get all of the remaining animation done within the upcoming month and move to rendering by the end of it. Sadly I need to take a short trip back to California starting tomorrow to hold a little presentation that is related to my first job. I'll however be back on the 5th of April and start grinding through the final parts of the animation! Expect one last sequence preview soon! <3




Hmmm it looks like you forgot to shave this morning *pulls out karambit* let me help you with that


omg omg omg I wanna go there soooo bad!


very very lovely work as always &lt;3&lt;3&lt;3&lt;3&lt;3 stay safe with your travels!!!


H-holy fuck .///////////. *nosebleeds*


This is looking sooo good!


S-side note.. this is absolutely amazing... the teasing is just incredible and everything beyond my wildest dreams. I only hope that your hands should never hurt which is an old Jewish saying that basically means may you stay healthy and happy and continue to do everything that you love to do and that everyone appreciates you for. You deserve every bit of success that you've gotten and I hope it only grows. I can't wait to see this animation finished. The tongue looks super super wiggley! Hehehe! I hope that there's more teasing to come!




ohh beautiful


It looks really good. Just a question: how long, in general for one sitting, does something like 4 seconds of the gif take for you to animate? Aside from the...main feast we can see, the arms and hands seem to be in motion, the eyes seem to track the viewer, it seemed to blink even though we don't see it. And this is with all of the nommy nommy bits.


I seriously love the POV here. Her face is already gorgeous without the detailed textures and shading, so that means it can only get better! (Love that nose and tongue, BTW) &lt;3


Nice uvula.


when can we expect the next update?




the faster you spam F5 the faster the update will come