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Here's a new playblast, right from the first person perspective outside of the glass! Don't mind that weird strand hanging from Zoe's thumb, will have this removed later! (:

This clip should illustrate that with this animation I'm moving from implementing small voice clips, to full voice acting throughout the entire animation. I've been planning on doing something like this for a while, but have often shied back from it due to the lack of experience with animating lips. Having learned a lot from the previous animations though, I feel that I'm finally up for the task, even if animating these sections feels painfully slow to the massive amount of keyframes that have to be used. Note that lip movement is completely hand animated and takes quite a lot of tweaking and revising until everything feels right. The payoff feels rather satisfying though, with Zoe appearing more alive than ever in this. Here's a slow motion sequence from another angle to show that both lips and tongue are animated to form the necessary vowels and consonants (First person model removed for clarity).

There's quite a lot of monologue to animate, but it will all contribute to the teasing, of which there's going to be quite a bit later on! The plans I have for this animation are quite elaborate, so here's hoping I can pull it off in a reasonable time frame. Should it end up taking any longer than the usual time then I'll probably freeze payments for an additional month or so, as this time I'd prefer not scrapping any scenes from the animation, something that sadly happened in almost all of the recent works due to time constraints.



michael brookins

You should never scrap sences! Take as much time as ya need to bring us your fantastic work <3


ohh your getting me hyped now! good looking so far i like the direction your going with keep it up! :D


Love it! But take your time. We have patience. I would wait half a year for something of this quality (Not that I wouldn't instantly click the notification tho). :)

Mircea Kitsune

That is so going to end well :D

Meddwynn Ravencroft

Definitely going to be worth the wait. I loved the minor vocal effects from previous works. The giggles, and other brief noises. Hearing Zoe speak full sentences, teasing her prey; I'm so anxious! Her actress has done so well with so little before; I'm positive she'll be simply amazing with full dialogue!


Oh, this looks wonderful ^^

Jade B

Man, I can hardly wait!


This is looking great! Really looking forward to this teasing you're talking about. Would be great to see her really take her time tasting prey before swallowing them.

Matt Flamez

wow so nice! i crave a lick from her ^__^

jordan biggs

Tis noice! Have a question. Is Laguna going to voice Zoe again? I really love her seductive voice than the current one. .w.


Is this strictly going to be POV or will the possibly be a 3rd person view? Looking great btw!




There will be a bit of 3rd person in the later part! You won't be seeing the prey's face though, as it's supposed to be more of a POV thing!


I was thinking so too! I never considered voice over much, because it either lacked an actress, or confidence. All of that should work out pretty well now whatsoever~


Still going to try pulling this off in a timely manner! I think that the usual animation time makes for quite the wait already. D:


I'll try to do so! I sometimes run a little late with my schedule, and since I know I'm keeping you guys waiting I'm sometimes having to compromise. D: