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Hey everyone! As usual, I want to start by saying thanks for all your amazing support! While people told me that I should get used to it, I still find myself quite overwhelmed with the amount of patrons and their feedback!

For this month I'm working on another mini animation to be released by the end of it. The usual purpose of these is to break up the slow pacing of the big animation releases a bit, as well as serving as a buffer to prepare the next big thing in the meantime, of which I'm hoping to have the first WIP material ready after mid December. In the meantime I've faced a bit of an incident with my workstation laptop suffering water damage from a recent hotel stay. However, after getting a replacement battery it all booted up fine again, this was a bit of a relief as otherwise I'd have been forced to take a short hiatus from here due to me still being away from home. Speaking of which, I'll still mostly be in LA until early December binge working on a project I'm not supposed to talk about, so I might still be a little slow to reply to messages. Animation progress here shouldn't be hindered by that though, as I usually extend my working schedule into the nights to stay on top of everything!

In an effort to increase visual splendor while also cutting down on rendering times, I threw some money at NVidia for an RTX 2080 Ti! I was able to hook it up through an external graphics port and the card ran well on first try, which mostly consisted of pushing it through a number of benchmarks. On the second day of usage though, I started experiencing strange screen artifacts coupled with frequent boot issues. I've looked up the issue and noticed there's quite a lot of problems with this card on the GeForce forums (https://forums.geforce.com/default/board/227/geforce-rtx-20-series/), which is why I'm considering getting a refund for now, as getting a replacement for this card would end up taking forever due to it not being available anywhere right now. Looks like I'm still having to rely on my mobile GTX 1070 for a while to get the job done for now, but here's hoping that in the meantime NVidia will fix the issues with the 2080 Ti, as I'd prefer rendering the next major animation on a more powerful card with more VRAM.

New mini animation preview is still taking a few days as it currently looks too rough to be shown, even for a preview. I should have more on that in the next post whatsoever! :)



All is fine dude. Your stuff is worth waiting for lol


Hey it happens, thanks for keeping us informed!!!