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At last, the new animation is done! This was originally planned as a much smaller in between animation, but somehow ended up with a longer run time than the most recent animations posted. After the recent films being more samesize oriented, this one goes back to the frequently requested mawshot and tiny content that I used to start with. I admittedly feel like it's been getting a little formulaic, which is why I'll probably do something more experimental with the next animation. For this one though, expect a bit of a mawshot and cartoony swallowing gallore!

In terms of quality standards I'd say it's moving on the same level as the recent RAADD animation, the visual improvements are fairly minor and are mainly related to small changes in the materials of the characters. There's however a bit more environment complexity with improved leaf shading and generally more foliage on display in the surrounding area. Note that this is likely going to be the last time I'm using this forest environment, as reusing it for the 4th time is making the animation feel a little samey. The prey girl from the recent animation was more or less just intended as a short, special guest appearance, but I somehow kept adding more scenes to the animation until she became a sort of finale in this. Needless to say she'll likely be used for the last time as well, unless I decide to give her a complete, visual makeover at some point!

The animation clocks in at roughly 2:30! I probably cut a few seconds off in the editing process, but I think it's still a reasonable length, especially considered the rendering quality on display. I'm still working on the bonus content, likely posting it in 1 - 2 weeks since the rendering is taking a decent while to finish. For this I'll take the more interesting mawshot scenes and render them from a different perspective at a true 60FPS frame rate target. This will include slow motion shots, so hopefully something to look forward to! In addition I might post the current animation in a new, experimental quality tier I'm considering to include for future animations, this would be 4k videos in HDR format. I know that there's probably only a small amount of people owning HDR capable displays, but it's slowly becoming more widespread, especially with one of the recent Windows 10 updates substantially improving HDR support for PCs.

As previously mentioned, this time the links will only be sent to patrons that have been processed to the corresponding tier at least once in the recent months. The recent leaks have pushed me to become a little stricter about my distribution methods, which is why high quality links in posts here will only unlock after the public version of the film has been released as well. The PM links will be sent out within the next hour!

Edit: After being buried under PMs, I've eventually decided to make links available within these public posts again one last time.

4k/60FPS: https://mega.nz/#!54hmxSyA!cBXysaCYjfGq9vRWWjnHot2ia99JcgsA50kMstF2uE4

4k/30FPS: https://mega.nz/#!5tgyESLa!jbpVxQkmsafMqI8vmksg7oWHgkF5gxYXo4AEqV_LFko

1080p/60FPS: https://mega.nz/#!gswCEQ6I!plyW2mMdFn-Sa0noCo5UQ3JVqzobIs-z4YnQ-HP3zG8

1080p/30FPS: https://mega.nz/#!I4xUBS4A!AxUXIDLFmko-6IVqEwWDwrs0bgTnjkwqYj_ZnzArbFc



Race the Raccoon

Oh my gosh, everything about this is amazing! The setting is so pretty, Zoe looks great, and the use of fireflies was clever. Plus, I love how she licks her lips even before and after eating the bugs. There's something extra enticing to me about a predator who will eat just about anything that moves~


Haha, happy you enjoyed it! Zoe is indeed still getting prettier with every new animation, as with each new film I tend to add a few features and imporvements. (: