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As always, here's an image strip of a few totally-not-cherry-picked render shots that represent the final quality! At this point I'm about 95% done with the post production and will move to sound design and music tomorrow. I'm hoping to have the first version of the animation ready in the upcoming days, likely end of the weekend/early next week. In terms of raw rendered frames we're looking at 2 and a half minutes of animation, which is about a minute longer than the last film. Doing everything on the same quality standard, if not higher has been quite a marathon. I think for the future I'll likely have to find ways to streamline the production of these animations a little, as the recent weeks have been quite the crunch! 

Thanks to all patrons for their patience in the meantime, hoping to post this beast as soon as it's ready! (:




I cant wait to see it, dont mind my last comment I commented before reading

Richard Blake

Renders look amazing, great maw and light works. Albeit I do have one gripe with this: The prey-girl. I feel that the prey, if visible in animation, should at least get a bit more detail and care put into them to make them look more appealing. So that they don't clash with the high detail of the preds and the insides of said preds.


Hot Jesus you and eskoz are the gods of this field, completely and absolutely, 11/10


Every animation is like waiting for a baby to be born. Can’t help but picture a PC in a delivery room surrounded by doctors comforting it as it renders that last of the video.

Mircea Kitsune

I can't handle so much awesome xD


Its looking wonderful, Cant wait to see this one finished!

Caleb Nelson

How soon do you think it’ll be until it’s finished? c:


"I'm hoping to have the first version of the animation ready in the upcoming days, likely end of the weekend/early next week."


Quick question @cakeinferno do you know how the new 2080ti's do with this process and will you upgrade to them/multiple ones? :)


Nvidia hires cake to do the next animation with ray tracing?


A 2080Ti would definitely accelerate the rendering process quite a bit! For rendering this animation I rented a Titan X, which is slightly aged by now and somewhat slow compared to current high end cards. Sadly my renderer doesn't support any form of raytracing, but should there be a new renderer that handles fur well, and is accelerated through NVidia's tensor cores then I might switch to something new!


Not yet! Still doing some basic music while also waiting for Hestia's voice over. Hoping to have it out tomorrow evening though! (:


Yeah, I sadly gotta agree here. I did apply some skin shaders on her for the current film, but it's still just a minor improvement. Needless to say that this was likely the last time I used this model!


Glad to give you something to last forward to! Already putting together the last bit of content! (:


Hope that Wednesday still counts as early next week! I'm still a bit too optimistic with the timing it seems!

Richard Blake

Took a while for her to get digested proper... Talking about that, have you thought about making NSFW and/or digestion vore vids? I'd love to see those if at all possible.


Any good throat bulges to look forward to? ;3


pls make it as soon is possible


The extra time it would take to create those scenes for a minority group of people wouldn't be worth it for him, I don't think, considering most of his viewers prefer non fatal as well. The most he could probably do is implied digestion. Also patreon has been witch hunting lately and that kind of material might get him flagged or even taken down.


Let him take his time. He knows what he has to do and I'm paying very good money for an excellent product. I'd rather wait an extra week for an amazing product than get a decent product now. Just be patient my dude~



Jack glonning

Hey Cake. Was just wondering if you had an updated timeframe for release


It's out now! Apologies, the video encoding of the uncompressed frames took its sweet time of 9 hours, even with a fast SSD and CPU being used. D: