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Figured it's already been more than 2 weeks since the last playblast, so here's another one! The scene is probably a little underexposed, but I'll fix that later! I might also chose a more close up perspective for this scene to get you guys a little closer to the action, but I'll decide on that later!

The animation is coming along well as I'm slowly approaching the last scenes! I might end up starting to render the first scenes on another PC soon, while I'm still animating on another one to make better use of the time, as there's quite A LOT to render here. Not just in regards of frames, but also in terms of scene complexity. I had assumed that by now NVIDIA would've at least announced new GPUs, but with nothing official in sight just yet I'll have to try budgeting everything to render on my current setup in a timely manner.

In the meantime, enjoy this little animation test! Apologies for Zoe's face being a little low poly, needed to make sure everything renders quick to keep the workflow up! :)
