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Lately the priority of Zoe's performance has almost been higher than that of the nommy bits, as I've slowly been realizing that I'd prefer having what people feel like is an actual character, rather than "some kinda appealing 3D graphics". Having her talk a little more often has been on my roadmap for a while and this might be the first animation that slowly goes back to that idea. So far I've probably been neglecting it because it's a lot of work to properly key out every single word, the overall result though is highly preferable though, as it brings her so much closer to the wicked, cartoon-like villian I always imagined her to be!

Apologies for the sharp polygon edges, I always use low-poly versions of the characters while animating. D:




I'm looking forward to this so much, even the rough renders look great!


Having a pred tease vocally would deffo make the overall experience a lot more in-depth for a ton of peeps I'm sure ouo\


Ah the gif loaded as I'm downloading Tekken, the lip animation is looking really good and the camera work is really great at stopping anything looking static!


love this kinda stuff.. so hawwwt!!! ;Q_

Richard Blake

I was wondering that, Zoe was a nice looker but a quiet predator (Aside from her exclaimations of satisfaction). Only real character we've experienced was the Halloween animation.

Little Fluff

Man, giving me goosebumps over here. She looks so deviant and dominant, my excitement for this just keeps growing!


I can actually read her lips! Also her eyes & eyebrow movements are amazing.

Mircea Kitsune

I would like to stay too <3


Fantastic movement and lip sync. Really tweaked by her emphasis of expression on the word "stay". Raises the fur on the back of the neck.


What? Zoe's a villain?!


The mouth movements look really great, the care you're putting into this really shows!


And just the expression too, there's a lot of good feeling in this! :>


I am guessing that this is playing at 60fps. so this is roughly at 11 to 12 seconds of this animation.


I'm pretty sure this is at 30. For the 60FPS animations I believe he just doubles the number of frames he exports/halves the interval each frame is taken (I've worked with Maya and some of it's more awful features before). Edit: So this would be roughly 23-ish seconds into this animation if I'm correct. But I'm not Cake and it's entirely possible he's doing things differently. ^_^'


Will certainly do! Hope to have another preview soon~


Glad you think so! Lighting is already pretty elaborate in these, still no comparison to the final renders though~


Thankies! I've already done more tweaks to this scene, which makes it looks a bit more dynamic. I tend to revise a lot!


Yep, the Halloween animation was a bit of an experiment in that regard. This time I'm a little more experienced, which is why we'll have longer sentences this time! (:


Glad you do! Tried my best to properly form every vowel and consonant so it looks proper~


Thanks Cougr! I've highlighed that word a little more in the meantime, need to closely work with the voice actress to have everything pronounced proper later on. (:


Yep! Currently hitting the 1000 mark. Knowing I'll have to carefully render all of these frames is causing a mild depression. C':

Master Yoshi

I prefer the victim to be small but I bet Cake will do this well. Should be very interesting.


new post soon? (not to rush)


ETA on this same size vore animation? I LOVE same size vore


Nonono, you're perfectly right! Had a bit of an incident here over the weekend which caused a small delay, I'll post something today! (:


I hope y ou Will integrate more dialogue in your futurs films, their are more immersive, and this is more interesting ! <3


I think your animations are great!