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And a hires, 60FPS loop for $10 patrons!




Richard Blake

Whilst it is a nice loop, there are a bunch of parts which give away the beginning/end, as the hair snaps back into it's original possition. Also, whilst I like the hair being individual strands, they look a little scarce.


Thanks for the input! Looping objects that move by physics can be extremely hard. I've tried setting a condition for the hair to transition back to its initial state, but it never worked properly. So after a dozen attempts to render it I eventually just left it that way. For the future I'll experiment with other ways on how to get this to loop perfectly though!


Hmmm, I only get a blank, black screen. Luckily I'm not into same size vore or bulges so it's only trivial but as it's your wok I tend to make an exception, lol, so it's still a bummer =/. Can see the $5 gif though so I guess it's fine =)


Did you give it some time to load? I figured it stays black until the video is entirely loaded, which can take a short while!