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Note the revised lighting in the mouth scene, ohoho~

As usual, a few render frames of the final animation to bridge the last days while I'm doing sound design work. Hoping to have the film finalized and posted on the 8/8 for silly reasons, might be a day later, but I'm trying my best!

The first release will include the first camera angle, then 1 - 2 weeks later I'll post an additional angle. Still considering to make this one POV for a large part, but there are still a few difficulties that I need to sort out; one of them being too much movement and shakyness, which lets the entire thing feel like Cloverfield. I'll keep you posted with previews after the first version is out, so stay tuned! (:




Cakeinferno... you are one amazing bastard, you!


When it physically hurts to wait. That's when you know it's good.

Mircea Kitsune

Zoe's maw and belly are being beautiful as always ^^


~foams at mouth~


As you'd probably expect from me, the top two pics are my faves in this post. <3 That tongue just looks so inviting XD. I was also idly wondering the other day if inside the mouth scene could actually be looped. If there's a start and end frame that syncs up in position and movement, that would make for quite a nice loop.


2 more days later. *refresh* *refresh* *refresh*


I may actually die from anticipation overdose here


No worries, it still will be out today! Just need a few more hours to adjust some last things! c:


Still at least 2 - 3 hours, encoding is taking a decent bit of time! The initial post will include the 4k/30 version, with all the other versions being added over the course of the night!


It's all good :) everyone understands a thousand percent even if you needed another day or two. Some of us might not survive but! For those of us who do, epic loot awaits


wish i could respond in time but im traveling the states rn(forcefully btw). This is coming out great and you never fail to disappoint. My opinion for the second version is that it would be nice to make it pov for the most part, even if it would take a bit longer.