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Here's an animation test that shows our runner getting gulped by Zoe. I already meant to post this a couple of days ago and already wrote this post up, but ended up scrapping it and reanimating the entire scene because I wasn't happy with it. To be honest I'm still not 100% satisfied with this sequence, but for now I want to move on and take care of this one later before I waste too much time on it.

You might notice there's already about 1200 frames, which comes down to roughly 40 seconds! Looks like this animation is going to be a bit longer than the first since there's still a lot to animate. It's likely that the next scenes will be a little quicker to finalize, as there's only going to be one character to animate, but I'll see how that goes. Either way, I'm hoping to wrap things up in roughly a month, given it's up to the quality by then! (:




When you ay you werent too happy with it, what else did you have in mind? What didn't you like about it? Also will there be any throat bulges shown or an alternative angle?


I so wanna be on that tongue! Damn reality.

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Won't this be 60 frames per second given how you say that 1200 frames equal 40 seconds?


I think it's looking really impressive! Actually, the main thing that seems off to me is the bright golden staff in the background. It seems unnaturally bright when compared with this darker environment.


Cake is probably gonna use some type of interpolation thing he did with the Halloween animation to make it look like 60 fps.

Mircea Kitsune

I definitely think you have every reason to be happy with this sequence as with all others!


I think it's probably the way that the prey moves forward! I've revised that animation another time last night after posting this and it already looks more acceptable to me. And not sure on throat bulges yet, as I'm planning to show most of it from the inside this time! c:


Thanks man! Kind of a relief to see that people like it, perhaps I'm a bit too critical with myself here. O:


Noted! It's still using bright reflection mapping from the previous animation. Will be turning that down a bit! (:


Glad to hear you like it! I think I can preceed with a little more confidence now!


It's looking amazing so far, Cake! One thing I've been meaning to ask: Do you intend to do (small) stomach bulges/bumps? Although maybe not for this one given that I saw you mention you plan to show most of it from the inside. XD That being said I totally understand if you're sticking with the style you did for the first animation for future external views. :3 Again, amazing stuff as always! <3


All this needs is some thunder and lightning with bloodborne boss music to make this the most epic RAADD short ever. I mean it already looks like a dramatic boss fight without a hud. I'm kidding, the scene looks fantastic. I can't wait to see the wet fur with motions. Hell, I'm more excited about the fur than the Vore!


Simply Marvelous~