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With the next RAADD animation likely taking place during rain it was probably obvious I'd be working on a new, improved wet fur shader for Zoe. The first attempt on that was when the character was first introduced. By now my knowledge of using my renderer has increased significantly though, which means that things are going to look a lot fancier!

The clumpy look is mostly achieved by significantly increasing the root thickness of her hair, darkening the materials does quite a bit as well. Fur specularity is fairly limited with the renderer I use, which is why it's only used slightly. I might find a better method later on, for now the shader looks believable enough!




You're so incredible at what you do, love it and happy to be supporting


He's TOO good at what he does. It's getting suspicious.


The question is....what is she wet with *devious smirk*


My prediction was right!!!!


Looks great!!! Cannot wait to see this!

Mircea Kitsune

Salute worthy realism once again... very nice!


<a href="http://imgur.com/U4d1Nlm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/U4d1Nlm</a>


Still going to take a bit aha! But no worries, I'll have you covered in the meantime! (: