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So... one of you brought to my attention how they felt disappointed of me releasing the Jill mod so quickly to the public. Now that I think of it, there's a fair and solid point.

Even though the Claire & Ada version has been out for a few days already I thought of them as a whole package with the Jill version and my plan was initially to keep longer exclusivity period on any outfits I release to them, I probably should've kept the base mods exclusive for some time.

I'm very new to this whole patreon thing, I really just started three weeks ago, and I'm in no way experienced as a mod author so this is all a learning experience for me.

I don't want to scam people of their money, hell no! I was so damn excited for finally getting the mod done that I didn't think too much when throwing it out there. I apologize if this has made you feel... well.. scammed.

All that being said, I have a question for you. How long of an exclusivity period would you feel comfortable with? Two weeks? A month? I'm open for suggestions.

I wanted to discuss this openly with you because I kind of feel like I fucked up in the very beginning and that's some terrible PR right there. I want to do better in the future.


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