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Finally the last 2 pictures of the Puru'Ha set! This set was very fun to concept but I got VERY sick during the process and almost couldn't work for the past week, so the render was kind of chaotic. But it's done now and I'm satisfied with the result. I hope you guys like it!

I'm sorry again for the low amount of post these past few weeks, a lot of tough things happened and has put me behind in my work. But getting this many new patrons has helped me keeping the pace and I'm totally up again! I am really thanksful to you all who support me, that means a lot ✨

Additional Files includes PSD, timelapse (only one, I forgor to record the 1st pic) and HQ pics and is available on Discord for SUPER LEWD ACCESS members. It will also be linked in a Patreon post on the November 1st.
