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Hey everyone! Just wanted to make a follow up post to the "potential big update" video. Thanks to all of you who offered your thoughts! So I've decided I wont be making a 3rd channel for reactions and just be keeping everything besides games on the regular channel. Currently in the editor search which could go quick or it could take a little while, just depends on how soon I'm able to find someone that'll work well. I'll be using an editor just for the movie reactions though and keep editing TV stuff myself. I've liked the format of putting multiple episodes in a single video that I've started doing which is more difficult/expensive for an outside editor to do something like that often, but it also gives me the option to upload episodes much quicker if I need to (like the same day upload of the BCS finale for example) since I don't have to send off all the files and wait. 

Also, not every reaction will get a YouTube video anymore. In the past, movies that I didn't think would get much attention I still edited (or had my last editor edit) and uploaded even though they'd perform really poorly. Part of the reason I don't want to do that anymore is just focusing more time on YouTube videos more people would be interested in, but the main reason is just financial. For example, I spent about 9 hours editing & uploading the Saint Maud video and currently it has made $30, or $3.33 per hour that I worked. Now that isn't as big of a deal seeing as I edited that myself, so it's $30 that I didn't have before, but when I had an editor I was losing quite a bit of money on most videos, and since I don't get as many views as I used to I have to be a bit more selective on what I pay an editor for. Now it obviously wouldn't be just about finances, otherwise the only reaction highlight videos I'd be uploading are to goofy comedies, but for every Peanut Butter Falcon reaction there'd have to be 5 more well known movies. However, for some of these movies where I know the reaction videos wouldn't get much love, I may do a walkthrough style review video that's more entertaining and doesn't require you to have seen the movie already, so just because a movie isn't getting a reaction highlight video it doesn't mean I won't be doing any videos on it. Also, all this in no way affects what I watch for Patreon, as anything I watch gets a full length reaction regardless of popularity.

This doesn't apply as much to TV shows as it does movies. Since I'll still be the one editing tv shows cost isn't as much of a concern, but also if I feel a tv show isn't getting as much attention I'll just do a shorter/more condensed video for YouTube. For example, something like YOU season 3, which wasn't as popular on here, would just get condensed to one video on YouTube instead of a couple episodes per video spread out over a few videos. Some shows, like Always Sunny and any big shows I'm watching while they're airing, will still get a video per episode.

Hopefully this all made sense and was clear enough, but feel free to ask any questions/give your thoughts!