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So I've recently thought of an idea that I think would both be enjoyable and provide you all with potentially a lot more content. Obviously I've always just done video reactions up to this point with full lengths on Patreon and the edited versions on YouTube, which take a decent amount of time to edit for both platforms. Because of the time constraints and only being able to do a certain amount each month, I usually stick to ones that I feel people would have a good amount of interest in, while occasionally branching out into something more obscure. Anything that I feel wouldn't generate much interest or is too obscure/underseen I've just been watching on my own outside of the channel. However, I've been thinking recently about trying audio only reactions/commentaries to these. Doing this would both considerably shorten the time it takes to get ready and set up for a reaction since all I have to do is turn on the mic but also shorten the time it takes to edit and upload since file sizes would be smaller and I'd only be editing audio and not video. Since I've been watching a lot of stuff outside of the channel there'd likely be a lot more reaction/commentary tracks I could upload throughout each month, from my own picks but also diving into some of the recommendations I get that don't get much attention. These tracks likely would just be for Patreon but occasionally if the movie happens to be amazing (or hilariously bad) I could maybe upload a shortened highlight video on YouTube. Since they would be audio only I would include them in the $10 tier with everything else but also could create a cheaper tier that just had those in it. To give you a rough idea of the kinds of movies this would include, over the past month the movies I've watched outside of the channel were Leave No Trace, Mayhem, The Outfit, Lake Mungo, Shot Caller, Brigsby Bear, Copshop, Monsters, The Nest, Mass, Deliver Us from Evil, Four Good Days, and Embattled (some of these you may have heard of but most are ones I felt not enough people would be interested in videos on). Since I haven't done this before we could try it out and see if it's fun and then continue if it is. I feel like this could be a great, low hassle way of experiencing more films together (with the potential for more obscure shows or limited series down the line too). Let me know your thoughts! 

(On the rare chance someone thinks this would replace any other reactions, it would not. All of these would just be in addition to the usual.)



It would possibly suck if one of my favorite movies ever got an audio track and I couldn’t see your face be manipulated by the movie but I could still settle with the knowledge that you indeed watched it and a way to hear unfiltered thoughts from it


That last part barely makes sense lol I just mean I’d settle being able to hear those thoughts


I’d love this for films like LOTR, which I know you’ve seen