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A Clockwork Orange Full Length Reaction



When this movie was released in the US it was rated X—adults only. You can see why. Some of the scenes are very difficult to watch, and I think that's intentional. We, as the audience, feel the disgust and horror most people feel seeing such things, while Alex doesn't. His love of the nearly universally beloved Beethoven's 9th is about the only thing about him that we can relate to as a human being. In destroying his monstrous nature, they inadvertently destroy the only thing that's human about him as well, leaving him suicidal. I never noticed until this viewing something that Kubrick did, almost certainly on purpose, that puts us in Alex's shoes: During the attack of the writer and his wife, Alex sings "Singing in the Rain", a beloved song from the heyday of Hollywood musicals. But we are forced to listen to it while watching a brutal scene play out before us. Kubrick has ruined "Singing in the Rain" for the audience much the same way the experimenters ruin Beethoven's 9th for Alex. To this day, I still think of that scene from A Clockwork Orange when I hear "Singing in the Rain" and it still bothers me. When the "cure" is undone, it's only for the benefit of those in power. In the end, he's just a pawn in the system. His free will is restored (yay), but he's still an antisocial monster (oh, right). Nothing has changed except the positions of the pieces on the board.

Scott Bennici

The film is set in a near future Britain and its just composed of that kind of slang, but man is it enjoyable to listen to, like poetry. The narration and score work so well that this film kind of puts you in a trance, so trippy. And its not the amount of violence/rape, its just how fucked up it all is that gives it that reputation you were talking about.