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So if somehow you missed the "Please bear with me" post, go read that one first to understand why I'll be making some adjustments moving forward. So after demo-ing a couple of other editors after my previous editor left, I've decided for now I'll likely just be going back to editing everything myself again (which I've enjoyed getting back into it with The Sandlot and Stand By Me). Because of this my upload schedule will naturally have to change, so here's the changes that I've reached:

Patreon uploads: These won't change for now, as the filming and editing of the full length reactions were things I was already doing the whole time. If the next couple of weeks before Ozark finishes I find that it's too cumbersome, then I'd remove Saturday uploads by not replacing Ozark with another show, but for now the plan is still the same.

YouTube uploads: 

1) Movie reactions will remain the same (Wednesday and Saturday uploads every week). Those are the meat of the channel and so they will continue as they have been.

2) Episode by episode reactions will now only be for Always Sunny (keep reading to see what this means for everything else). Tuesday and Thursday will continue being reactions to each episode of Always Sunny individually, as they are the shortest to edit but also the show format doesn't really work for what I have planned with other shows.

3) Most new release shows will also be individual episode reactions. So when I'm watching upcoming seasons as they're releasing (ex: BCS season 6, The Boys season 3, Mandalorian season 3, etc) they will also get reactions to each episode uploaded to YouTube. 

4) All other shows will now get full season reaction videos. These are for seasons that have already aired previously (ex: Ozark S1-3, Fargo S3, etc). This means the whole season will be condensed into 1 reaction video for YouTube. The video will of course be much longer than just the regular 20 or so minute videos but will make it easier on me not having to spend as much time on each episode to get a whole video out of each. Some shows that are released all at once instead of weekly (like Ozark S4 eventually) may also get full season videos even though I'm watching them 'as they're releasing'. There is no specific upload timeframe for these videos, but they will of course come after I've watched the whole season.

5) Early access videos for Patreon will still be the same for everything (about a week before) except for new season reactions for things in point 3, which will go on YouTube pretty quick after the episode releases.

Hopefully this new plan is clear enough but feel free to ask any questions.



Even with all these obstacles somehow you come up with better ideas! I think season king reactions is a fantastic idea. Especially when beginning a new show since most shows can start pretty slow. A season long reaction can get you to some of the meat and potatoes of the show at the same time as being introduced to it. Swell idea !


Season long* not season king lmao autocorrect sucks


Personally excited to see how you’ll do the full season edit. I haven’t seen that from other creators so it’ll be awesome to see that succeed. Good luck 😊