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(Option 2) Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hax50FttpOA14uzA0bom9IjSXZSHE4Fe/view?usp=sharing


Barry S1E2 (Chapter Two: Use It) Reaction Edit


Petteri Ahlberg

Question to fellow Brandon fans: How do you have your "watch along" setup ? Do you have multiple screens, or do you open a new window on top Brandons reaction? I'm trying to figure out the best way to have both the show and the reaction side by side. The setup in the last apartment was so good in the way it was framed. Leaving a lot of empty space on the left side of the screen.


I've only just started watching full lengths in the last month or 2, I use 2 monitors, and I kind of focus mostly on the show/movie with my eyes, as a full refresher of the content and brandon is kind of like my audio commentary, or friend commenting on things next to me on the couch. I usually have the volume of brandon talking even slightly higher than the movie (most if not all of the full length reactions I've watched have been movies/tv shows I've already seen... don't know if that's weird...) Then a week or so later I get to watch the edited for youtube reaction again, which is where I get to see most of the classic reactions to big moments, or the wonderful face drops when he realizes something or a crazy event happens.

Petteri Ahlberg

Some really great suggestion, people! Thank you so much : ) Although, it shouldn't come as a suprise that Brandon attracts good people.