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Better Call Saul S5E10 (Something Unforgivable) Full Length Reaction


Stephen Stone

Everyone thinks Jimmy turned Kim to the dark side... but what if Kim really turned Jimmy? When he was denied the lawyer reinstatement, and they had the argument at the parking garage and Jimmy said "...Kick a man when he's down" and Kim responded with "You're always down". Like, she was kinda supporting/enabling him this whole time. For example, when Chuck was accusing Jimmy of forging the address on the documents, she defended Jimmy knowing damn well that Chuck was probably telling the truth. She defended Jimmy against Lalo knowing that there was more to the story that Jimmy wasn't saying. In the flashback scene in season 4 where Jimmy and Kim were taking votes and Chuck had just won some big case... Kim mentioned that she was becoming a lawyer, and it seemed like Jimmy wanted to become a lawyer too so that he could continue seeing her at work daily and to kinda prove to Chuck that he could be more than a nobody from the mail room. I think Jimmy looked up to Kim because she was the only true friend he had. But on the flip side, i think the first person to turn Jimmy like this was his dad... he's mentioned a few times that people would oftenly scam his dad when he was kid at his dad's store, he saw how easy it was to manipulate people.


Love how Mike says the hitmen are the best at what they do and yet they are complete idiots, show almost zero tactical awareness, and spray and pray.


This might actually lead to Gus relying on Mike and only Mike for any future endeavors. My theory is that Gus and Mike learns somehow that the hitmen failed, and that Mike shows how it's done, leading Gus to rely on only Mike next time.