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(Option 2) Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yDseb3tvZqg2dhsrhrpVagpJ-VKF2Bln/view?usp=sharing


Rocky III Full Length Reaction


Anakin Starkiller

This one is very sad, especially when Rocky looses Mick

Anakin Starkiller

This one and Rocky 4 are really the biggest and most traumatic test in Rocky's life.

Anakin Starkiller

The next film is definitely the most epic Rocky film and his greatest challenge.

Chris B

I think Rocky IV and V are considerably weaker, but Rocky IV will be quite essential for you to watch if you continue with the Creed series later. But don't get discouraged as Rocky VI (called simply "Rocky Balboa) is a great comeback to the roots of the series. And then Creed continues with the very high level that Rocky I-III had.


most people will disagree but this and 4 are my fav, still love 1 and 2


I love 3 and 4 growing up in the 80s. Stallone was killing it in 1982 with Rocky III and First Blood. He nearly killed himself trimming down to that lean body for the movie.


I love seeing Adrian's evolution from being very submissive, quiet, and shy in the first movie, then how she stands and speaks her mind to help Rocky in that wonderful scene between them on the beach.

Flashy Wolf

Man, I haven't seen this films in nearly 5 years, but seeing the first 3 with you back-to-back just felt so great. Shows how much these 3 held up. Though IV & V is gonna be quite something when you get to them, and Rocky Balboa is amazing. Awesome commentaries on these ones, can't wait for more. ^__^


What’s the issue with the playback? I can’t get this one to play


When are we going to get some Austin Powers? It's going on 3 weeks since you uploaded a movie reaction.


I had to get things sorted on finding an editor which took about 5 hours every day in addition to my normal work (plus 1 week was Thanksgiving which was voted for The Boys instead of a movie reaction), next movie reaction is being posted late tonight/tomorrow afternoon and then I'll be getting the caught up on all the ones that weren't up yet plus all the Christmas poll winners over the next 2 weeks. The order they're coming are Gremlins and Edward Scissorhands first (as they're coming to YouTube next also), then I'll be catching up with Scent of A Woman & Austin Powers while still getting Lethal Weapon & 12 Monkeys up as well (no specific order on those 4 but they will all be coming within a week/week and a half of each other. Hope this answers your question.