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Criterion Collection movies I have but haven't seen (since it's a bigger poll you can vote for multiple)


Shehab Dawoud

Interesting that Dr Strangelove is the Kubrick film you've included. Quite an underrated one. But since you've already seen The Shining and 2001, my choice of Kubrick would be A Clockwork Orange. It'll be one of the most unique movies you'll see


It's probably never going to win a poll due to its age/being in black and white but you have to watch 12 Angry Men even if it's just for yourself. One of the greatest movies ever made.


I've never heard of it, like much of the criterion collection lol. Most are foreign films which is cool, one of my favorites are Wild Strawberries and The Seventh Seal.


12 angry men is mindblowingly good


Considering the setting, it is quite an impressive film


It's starting to close in on "Pan's Labyrinth" ( which is also a great choice),so there's still hope :)

Nikki Sonrisa

Pan's Labyrinth is one of my favorite movies of all time. it's just a masterpiece of filmmaking. with that being said, 12 Angry Men is a classic and is a must-watch. there are a lot of great films on this poll lol


Just watched Jimmy Macram react to Usual Suspects, that could be a good one for the polls. Lock Stock and also Snatch are a couple classics as well


The departed!!!

Uncle 'Traveling' Matt

Wow, I'm super impressed that 12 Angry Men is in 2nd place atm. Y'all got some good taste ;)


If you’re interested in exploring more Kubrick, I personally recommend Barry Lyndon. Off topic, but I also recommend Chungking Express and In the Mood For Love by Wong Kar-Wai.


Man, this got a lot of votes! I’m surprised my pick, Pan’s Labyrinth, got first. That’s gonna be a helluva reaction video.


So many movies to choose from in the Criterion Collection. Not sure why Come and See is not on the list but maybe you have it on another list. I picked 12 Angry Men and Being JM. There are some movies in the collection that I have been trying to get on a poll: Last Picture Show, The Graduate, Some Like It Hot and Wong Kar-Wai movies Chunking Express and In Mood For Love.


Grand Budapest is just the damn best. Looks like its a close, so I hope you get around to watching it this year.


I asked about Come and See somewhere else. Brandon replied "I haven't seen that one, a few people have recommended it though so I'll definitely check it out at some point!" Hopefully that means a reaction to it is coming at some point. I'm also waiting for 12 Angry Men to win a poll if that will ever happen. It won't win this time either, but it was close. Also if you're reading this Brandon, I would recommend Barry Lyndon for a Kubrick poll, if you have not seen that movie.

Nick Parker

Uhhh, I guess Pan's Labyrinth is fine... I'll never understand why people are so crazy about it.


Yeah, I have to agree, I missed it when it came out, and I've just watched it (because it won this poll and I may as well have watched it so I can watch along with Brandon). Okay it looks pretty darn good, it has an interesting setup, but I was left thinking, meh, by the end. Not even sure I'll bother re-watching it on here now though.


I'm not going to disagree that A Clockwork Orange is unique and also deserves to be watched, but you think Dr Strangelove isn't also one of the most unique movies one can see? I think there's room for both, and personally I'd be hard pressed to choose between them.