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Arrival Full Length Movie Commentary.mp4



Science Fiction at its BEST. 👌🏻can’t wait to see what Denis does with Dune.

Carlos Hurtado

I love so much about this movie. the ship and Alien designs are so creative. Multiple scenes make me teary eyed .This is a beautiful movie in many ways.

Carlos Hurtado

Have you ever seen Steven Spielberg’s 1977 movie Close Encounters of The Third Kind? It’s a great ufo encounter movie. It was my favorite movie of its genre until Arrival came around. It would be a good movie to go on the polls

Nick Parker

Have you seen American History X? It is rough to watch but relevant today as well as an incredible movie and acting performance by Edward Norton.


You should also check out Contact (1997), I think you would like it. Based on a Book from Carl Sagan and staring Jodie Foster. It is a very smart and also Science Based / Realistic depiction of a potential First Contact.


Contact is great. It would also be interesting if Brandon subsequently watched other Robert Zemeckis movies made in that same time period. (I believe I read that Brandon has never seen Forrest Gump.) All those movies--from Gump through Cast Away--have that same look, pacing and feel. It's always interesting how when one gets in the "rhythm" of a specific director, their style becomes so easy to identify.


I have a couple sci-fi suggestions that (hopefully) Brandon may not have seen. (a) GATTACA (1997): I believe Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman met on this movie. A sci-fi movie in which the low-budget is actually an asset, rather than a detriment, as it surely contributed to the minimalist, noir aesthetic to this "near future" world about "genetic perfection." If all of this sounds like a cold experience, believe me, the wonderfully soulful score by Michael Nyman will disabuse you of this notion within the first few seconds. (b) 12 Monkeys (1995): I'm assuming Brandon might have seen this one, but if not, I can almost guarantee he'd like it. I love how the central relationship builds and changes throughout this one. It's one of those movies that is open to a couple different interpretations as to "what happened." This is also the most deeply satisfying Terry Gilliam movie from a drama standpoint, in my opinion.