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In order to help give myself a schedule and to be able to introduce TV show reactions, this will be the weekly upload schedule I'll try out:

Modern Monday: Any standalone movie from the year 2000 or later

TV Tuesday: 1 TV show episode reaction

Way Back Wednesday: Any standalone movie from before the year 2000

TV Thursday: 1 TV show episode reaction

Favorite Friday: Reaction commentary on some of my favorite movies, movies I enjoy, movies I find underrated/underseen

Series Saturday: Movie series reactions, where a film series is chosen and each Saturday a reaction to that series is uploaded until it's finished (can be series that I've already seen as well)

Polls for each of these will be released a week and a half prior (a Wednesday) and close a week prior (Sunday). These first ones I'm releasing today (for the week of May 11th-May 15th) and will end on Tuesday night, and then this Wednesday will be the polls for the week of May 18th-May 22nd. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!


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