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Hey everyone,

I need to get real with you all for a moment. Autumn vacation is just around the corner, and while that does free up some of my time for writing, I’m juggling quite a bit right now with the relaunch and everything else in life, especially moving countries and university commitments.

Here's where it gets tricky: while reviewing and editing chapters 71 through 75, I uncovered a massive plothole that can't be ignored, especially when considering the yet-to-be-published chapters. Regrettably, I posted a version of a chapter that was meant to be discarded, so some significant changes are coming to those chapters to mend the storyline.

So, the plan is this: I’ll be revising and reposting updated versions of chapters 71 onward before any new content gets published. After the corrections, chapters up to 78 will be available on Patreon, aligning with my weekly quota. This might take a few more days than originally planned, for which I apologize.

I recognize this might be a touch confusing and I sincerely apologize for any frustration it might cause. Amidst all the rewrites, moving, university life, and other chaos, I'm honestly feeling a bit overwhelmed. Your patience and understanding during this messy period means the world to me, and I hope I’m not letting you down too much with these bumps in the road.

Thank you all for sticking with me.

And if you haven't already noticed, I published the relaunch! It is on Rising Stars, too. If you guys have some time, I would love it if you could go and follow, rate, and review it - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/75341/dao-of-the-web-an-isekai-cultivation-story



Have a cute fox!



Don't worry, life happens. I am grateful that you informed us, and have before, when something that could cause a schedule change or otherwise occurs. I personally don't mind, as I would gladly wait for quality rather than rushed out quantity, and a healthy work/life balance is important to your physical and mental health.


Thanks for saying that. I will be spending the whole day on this. Hopefully, it won't be too bad, but yeah.... I still feel like a bad person. Not being able to keep my word is the worst feeling ever, especially when there is money involved.